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NBI Unconstrained Fixed Income Fund Investor Series

Multi-Sector Fixed Income

FundGrade D Click for more information on Fundata’s FundGrade

FundGrade D

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$0.00 (0.00%)

As at December 31, 2024

As at December 31, 2024



NBI Unconstrained Fixed Income Fund Investor Series

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Fund Returns

Inception Return (November 28, 2016): 0.70%

Fund Returns
Row Heading Return Annualized Return
1 Mth 3 Mth 6 Mth YTD 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 Yr 6 Yr 7 Yr 8 Yr 9 Yr 10 Yr
Fund -0.97% -1.56% 2.13% 1.35% 1.35% 2.88% -0.50% -0.54% 0.51% 1.86% 0.82% 0.71% - -
Benchmark 0.67% 1.98% 7.33% 9.76% 9.76% 7.48% 1.21% -0.20% 1.26% 1.72% 2.39% 2.24% 2.13% 3.46%
Category Average -0.85% -1.07% 3.01% 3.89% 3.89% - - - - - - - - -
Category Rank 236 / 340 290 / 329 271 / 326 300 / 323 300 / 323 292 / 313 204 / 305 206 / 290 198 / 269 164 / 253 178 / 225 158 / 189 - -
Quartile Ranking 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 - -

Monthly Return

Monthly Return
Return % Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Fund -0.37% -0.62% 0.75% -1.68% 1.09% 0.08% 1.70% 0.82% 1.19% -1.77% 1.20% -0.97%
Benchmark 0.46% 0.43% 0.67% -0.78% 0.36% 1.11% 3.56% -0.33% 1.97% 0.33% 0.96% 0.67%

Best Monthly Return Since Inception

3.85% (November 2023)

Worst Monthly Return Since Inception

-8.57% (March 2020)

Calendar Return (%)

Calendar Return
Return % 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Fund - - -0.09% -5.18% 8.88% 4.81% -0.64% -6.93% 4.43% 1.35%
Benchmark 16.14% 1.29% 1.23% 6.50% 4.01% 7.35% -4.31% -10.27% 5.25% 9.76%
Category Average - - - - - - - - - 3.89%
Quartile Ranking - - 4 4 2 3 3 1 4 4
Category Rank - - 169/ 189 214/ 225 81/ 253 157/ 269 181/ 290 58/ 305 275/ 313 300/ 323

Best Calendar Return (Last 10 years)

8.88% (2019)

Worst Calendar Return (Last 10 years)

-6.93% (2022)

Asset Allocation

Asset Allocation
Name Percent
Foreign Corporate Bonds 65.23
Foreign Government Bonds 15.03
Mortgages 9.65
Cash and Equivalents 8.55
Foreign Bonds - Other 1.02
Other 0.52

Sector Allocation

Sector Allocation
Name Percent
Fixed Income 91.18
Cash and Cash Equivalent 8.55
Financial Services 0.71
Energy 0.06
Utilities 0.02
Other -0.52

Geographic Allocation

Geographic Allocation
Name Percent
North America 66.80
Europe 21.73
Latin America 6.33
Africa and Middle East 3.60
Asia 0.61
Other 0.93

Top Holdings

Top Holdings
Name Percent
NBI Unconstrained Fixed Income ETF (NUBF) 99.40
Cash and Cash Equivalents 0.59
Noble Corp (Cayman Island) 0.01
WTS-NOBLE CORP 2 , warrants due February 5, 2028 0.00

Equity Style

Equity style data not available

Fixed Income Style

Average Duration: M. Average Credit Quality: M.

Risk vs Return (3 Yr)

NBI Unconstrained Fixed Income Fund Investor Series


Other - Multi-Sector Fixed Income

3 Yr Annualized

Standard Deviation 5.67% 6.38% -
Beta 0.59% 0.40% -
Alpha -0.01% 0.00% -
Rsquared 0.47% 0.16% -
Sharpe -0.70% -0.25% -
Sortino -0.77% -0.43% -
Treynor -0.07% -0.04% -
Tax Efficiency - - -
Volatility Volatility rating is 2 on a scale of 1 to 10 Volatility rating is 1 on a scale of 1 to 10 -

Risk Rating

Rating 2 out of ten

Annualized Key Ratio Period Comparison

Key Ratio
Key Ratio 1 Yr 3 Yr 5 Yr 10 Yr
Standard Deviation 4.10% 5.67% 6.38% -
Beta 0.65% 0.59% 0.40% -
Alpha -0.05% -0.01% 0.00% -
Rsquared 0.37% 0.47% 0.16% -
Sharpe -0.72% -0.70% -0.25% -
Sortino -0.49% -0.77% -0.43% -
Treynor -0.05% -0.07% -0.04% -
Tax Efficiency 9.41% - - -

Fund Details

Start Date November 28, 2016
Instrument Type Mutual Fund
Share Class Commission Based Advice
Legal Status Trust
Sales Status Open
Currency CAD
Distribution Frequency Monthly
Assets ($mil) $2,406

Fund Codes

FundServ Code Load Code Sales Status

Investment Objectives

The NBI Unconstrained Fixed Income Fund’s investment objective is to maximize total return, consistent with preservation of capital. The fund invests, directly or indirectly through investments in securities of other mutual funds or through the use of derivatives, in a diversified portfolio composed mainly of fixed-income securities of issuers located throughout the world with various maturities and credit ratings.

Investment Strategy

The fund seeks to achieve its objective by managing portfolio duration, credit risk, and volatility. The fund has significant latitude to pursue opportunities across the fixed-income spectrum, and is not managed or compared to any specific index. The fund has the flexibility to invest across different sectors, credit ratings, maturities and geographic regions, including moving between sectors or across credit risk, and may have long, short or negative duration.

Portfolio Manager(s)

Name Start Date
Bob Michele 12-05-2018
Iain Stealey 12-05-2018
National Bank Trust Inc. 07-19-2021

Management and Organization

Fund Manager National Bank Investments Inc.
Advisor National Bank Trust Inc.
Custodian Natcan Trust Company
Registrar Natcan Trust Company
Distributor National Bank Investments Inc.
Auditor Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton LLP

Investment Minimums

RSP Eligible Yes
PAC Allowed Yes
PAC Initial Investment 25
PAC Subsequent 25
SWP Allowed Yes
SWP Min Balance 10,000
SWP Min Withdrawal 50


MER 1.53%
Management Fee 1.25%
Load No Load
FE Max -
DSC Max -
Trailer Fee Max (FE) -
Trailer Fee Max (DSC) -
Trailer Fee Max (NL) 0.50%
Trailer Fee Max (LL) -

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